Dry Skin Facts And Remedies You Should Know

If you’re looking for some natural remedies to help you deal with dry skin, be sure to check out those listed below. For starters, you should drink at lest 8 glasses of water each day to help dehydrate your dry skin. You should also be sure to get six to eight hours of sleep each night – anything less can lead to unwanted skin conditions and excess dryness. When it comes to natural remedies you can use things like spices, yogurt, honey, avocadoes, raw milk and lemon juice....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 143 words · Alfred Rapp

Eat Cheese It Rocks

Top 10 Online Gourmet Cheese Shops Can I Eat Cheese on a Low Fat Diet? Calcium Rich Foods 500mg a day for kids who are 1 to 3 years old 800mg a day for kids who are 4 to 8 years old 1300mg a day for kids who are 9 to 18 years old Happy cheese hunting! Just remember anything in moderation is good.

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 64 words · Edward Braden

Empower Students With Mynoteit Com

Give them your scores, they’ll calculate your grade. Spot to plug in your teachers’ contact info. Note-taking with auto-save, with dictionary and translation built in. Community search for homework help, including in-site bookmarking. Friends list for you and classmates. Standalone and group calendaring options. mynoteIT makes it easy to evaluate, because they have a TRY IT section to let you evaluate the product even before signing up. Forget that for a minute, because I’m really stuck on the fact that these guys did it right: they saw a way to be helpful, and they built their code around that....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 153 words · Eugenia Rasmussen

Everything You Know About Weight Loss Is Wrong

Over the weekend, I watched “Fathead”, a documentary produced in reaction to Morgan Spurlock’s “Super Size Me”. This documentary completely challenged everything I knew about weight loss and heart disease, and was also incredibly informative and entertaining. Tom Naughton, a stand-up comedian and computer programmer, set out to prove Morgan Spurlock wrong. Fast food can be part of a healthy diet. Tom decided that he’d eat fast food three times a day for a month, just like Spurlock…but he’d LOSE weight, not gain it....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 788 words · Scott Otten

Get Out Of Bed With Clocky

Clocky is an alarm clock made by Nanda. What sets this little guy apart is it’s ability to go for a walk if you sleep through your snooze. If you haven’t got out of bed in time, Clocky will start beeping, activate it’s wheels and roll out of sight. Not only will Clocky drive directly off your nightstand, but for 30 seconds he will roll around in different directions, while you scramble to turn him off....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 87 words · William Clement

Getting Into Flow

Getting into Flow – [Michael Buffington]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 6 words · Tracy Sullivan

Great Managers Teach When They Should

Among studies of their own, managers will learn how to be a great teacher and coach, and with teaching in the workplace, their “how to be a great teacher” starts with knowing when to be one. All managers must be able to coach, however sometimes their best tactic in the beginning of the learning process is having someone else do the initial teaching. At the start of learning something, the student must be inspired to learn it, and the Great Manager honestly assesses if they are up to the teacher’s challenge to inspire or not....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 637 words · Raymond Gonzales

Gtdtiddlywiki Plugins For Mac Os X Tiger

Save-in-Safari for GTDTiddlyWiki: “This is a small Internet Plug-In for Safari to allow TiddlyWikis to save themselves.” GTD TiddlyWiki Dashboard Hack: “This is a quick hack to get the GTDTiddlyWiki into the Dashboard in Mac OS X Tiger.” The Dashboard hack looks pretty neat but I haven’t got Tiger to test it on (I am thinking to get one really soon!!) :) In the meantime, go to Jonathan’s TiddlyWiki Things for download and instructions and let us know how it goes....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 81 words · Wayne Baker

Haggle Like A Pro 5 Lines That Work

“Hmmm, I don’t know…” “Help me spend my money here.” “Your rivals can do it for less.” “I feel like I was tricked.” “But you broke your promise.” Haggle Like a Pro: 5 Lines That Work – [Reader’s Digest]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 39 words · Elizabeth Sun

Here Is How You Can Play A High End Game On An Outdated Android Phone

But you need to have a phone which is good enough to handle these games well. What if you have an outdated phone? Well, you won’t be aloof of high-end gaming experience now! If your phone can’t play the high-end games due to demanding nature of them, Chainfire 3D app is there to help you out. It acts as a middleman and lets you play even the most demanding of games with ease....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 103 words · James Woods

How Many Calories Can You Burn In 10 Minutes

Of course, this infographic doesn’t just mention how much you can burn in ten minutes, but also tells you the specific calorie values of many common foods. While nuts may be healthy for you, they are also loaded with calories and fats. In fact, just 100 grams can load you up with over 700 calories. On the other hand, a whole cup of cantalope only has 56 calories (so much for those people who claim fruits have too much sugar)....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 107 words · Shannon Havener

How Not To Take Work Home With You

Obviously this becomes quite hard if you work A LOT. Thankfully this little article focuses on just such workaholics. It’s a list based on personal experience with some very good ideas. How to Leave Work at Work – [DumbLittleMan]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 39 words · Richard Lam

How Prioritizing Things You Enjoy Doing Can Create More Joy In Life

Our behavior affects our thinking. From how we sit, to the time we spend outside, we can create more opportunity for relaxation, connection, and joy in our lives. Emotions are Responses to Actions A few months ago, I had begun working with The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron. Every week, I needed to do an artist date, a commitment to spend time with myself. While self-conscious, I picked up a cheap chalk set and took it home with me....

January 28, 2023 · 6 min · 1222 words · Ginger Salinas

How To Answer The Common Job Interview Questions

But knowing the most common job interview questions won’t do you much good if you still don’t know how to answer them properly. That’s why before you go to an interview, you should always prepare for any job interview question you are likely to be asked. While you’ll never be able to predict every question someone might ask you, knowing how to answer the most common inquiries is certainly a good start and just might make the difference between you getting a second interview, even a job, and staying unemployed....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 90 words · John Gonzalez

How To Be Awesome At Life

By becoming awesome in your life, you will open the door to the abundance of possibilities that come with putting out awesome vibes into the world. By learning how to be awesome and putting it to use in your own life, good things will start coming and happening to you on a regular basis. Awesomeness is a way of life It’s about how you behave and interact in the world....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 807 words · Jonathan Mumford

How To Close Off A Project Properly

Closing a project should include the following elements: Recognition. McDonalds has its longstanding Employee of the Month picture frame program. Dell has a Volunteers of Distinction program for its employees who become involved with volunteer projects. Toastmasters International has numerous awards for its members completing various tasks and terms of office. The best programs have five aspects: Achievable: The standards are high but not so high as to discourage all but the overachievers from trying to reach them....

January 28, 2023 · 5 min · 986 words · Margaret Aguilar

How To Confidently Deal With Conflict

I have to tell you that I’m not great at handling conflict. I’d much rather have things run smoothly and make sure that everyone gets along, works together, has fun and delivers great results, so when conflict happens I feel awkward and uncomfortable. I tend to do what I can to set things up ahead of time for smooth sailing, and I’ve really had to work hard at dealing with conflict when and if it arises....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 762 words · Jean Wehunt

How To Correctly Use Apostrophes

Traditionally known as the greengrocer’s apostrophe because of signs like “Orange’s $1.99”, I think we could start calling it the newspapers’ apostrophe [note correct use of apostrophe] because of the amount of errors print editors seem to glance over. I’ll be the first to admit bad punctuation is a minor offense. However, doesn’t correct grammar make you feel nice and warm inside? How to Use Apostrophes – [WikiHow]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 68 words · Ferne Radcliffe

How To Create A Home Personnel Folder And Why Bother

There are plenty of reasons you may need to check your copies of your employment information even when you aren’t at work: if you’re out with the flu, that memo on sick leave isn’t going to do you much good in your office. The same goes if you get a better job offer and you want to check your current contract. And if the worst happens and you lose your job, you may not be able to get copies of all the files left in your desk....

January 28, 2023 · 5 min · 887 words · Clare Harris

How To Create A Killer Linkedin Profile

That said, if you want to super charge your career or business, you must create a killer LinkedIn profile. Let’s do that. But first, look at this crucial info: You have to stick with three elements — Network, Relevant Content and Consistency — then you can create your killer profile. Network. Utilize your real life network to expand your social-media platform. Every time I start using a new social media platform, I call family and friends, ask them to connect with my profile....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 198 words · Melvin Vanhamlin