Sometimes when disappointments come our way, it is because we expect them to. It’s kind of like our belief system is displaced. You expect turmoil, so that is exactly what you get. We become so used to a negative mindset that the vicious cycle of discouragement becomes familiar to us after a while. There is so much negativity in the world from the moment when we wake up, turn on TV, and get on social media. And do you know what? It is all out of our control!  The problems of the world do not have to rest on our shoulders. But we tend to let them have an effect on us, and we sometimes play the blame game and fault situations or other people for the way we feel. When a simple downfall hits you head on, you have a choice to let the negative energy continue or the choice to stop it in its track. Just like you would flip a light switch, you need to switch on your positive thinking or switch off the negative thinking. Once you realize that you have control over your feelings, you can nurture it into a positive mindset and keep the power going. You have to consciously remove the lack of optimism that squashes your right to be happy and put yourself in better frame of mind knowing that you can overcome obstacles that come your way. You can construct a consistent, peaceful frame of mind with conscious effort. It starts with knowing that you deserve to be happy and acknowledging that you are responsible for your own happiness on a daily basis. In other words, you need to cultivate that warm and fuzzy feeling within yourself and embrace it.

Three Surefire Ways to Incorporate a Positive Frame of Mind on a Daily Basis

1. Embrace it.

Make a shift in your mind that you are ready for a positive change. Have gratitude for all of the good that you have going for you. Make a list on a daily basis of what was special about your day. Start a journal that will help you chart your goals and achievements. Reward yourself for taking baby steps towards a more optimistic energy.

2. Learn it.

Read positive quotes or inspirational stories. There are many self-help books and CDs available to educate and inspire you. Surround yourself with people who support you, and put a smile on your face instead of draining your energy. Be aware of your breathing and posture. Smile more because it will make you feel better from the inside out. Connect with others who have a more forward-looking outlook on life because it will reflect your way.

3. Believe it.

Visualize in your mind, the end result of you in a more positive state of being. Raise your expectations of what you can achieve. Stop any negative thoughts in their tracks, and replace each one with a more beneficial belief pattern. Believe in yourself and also in something greater than life itself. And remember: it may take a bit of practice, but we all have the power to change our thoughts and behavior. You need to make it a conscious decision on a daily basis to embrace the “I can” attitude. With a bit of discipline, better days will override the bad days. Expect good ones! Featured photo credit: Getty Images via