What is Water Weight? Does That Mean I am Fat?
Different from fat weight, you could gain 2 to 4 pounds of water weight in the course of a day. It is basically just a shift of your body’s fluid status. It could be caused by multiple of reasons, including premenstrual symptoms, lack of dietary protein, excess consumption of salt, side effect of medication, or even weather. For most of the times this gain will just last for a few days and is unharmful to your body.
So How to Flush That Out?
In case you would like to control your water weight so that you won’t suddenly look swelled for a couple days, making some changes in your diet could be a very effective way. Here are 10 diuretic food and drinks that could help you flush out the excess water weight in your body.
Water kills water- Drinking “the right amount” is key
This might sound very counterintuitive, but not drinking water is a cause for your body to retain more water. So by drinking enough water (The Institute of Medicine recommends women drink 9 cups (2.2 liters) of water daily. For men, they recommend drinking 13 cups (3 liters) a day.), you will not have stored excessive water.
How about some high water content fruit- Watermelon, maybe?
Watermelon contains 92% water and also nutrients that could stimulate urination. Grilled Watermelon, Feta, and Basil Salad Summer Shrimp Salad
Make your dish a little bit garlicky
Garlic has been shown effective in curing water retention and also contribute to the breakdown of fat. It could also help maintaining heart health and fight diabetes. Creamy Garlic Chicken Garlic scallops
Forget about OJ and try CJ for breakfast- Cranberry Juice
Cranberry contains a lot of antibacterial and diuretic properties.It is also rich in nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamin C and salicylic acid.
O for the old-fashioned yet healthy food- Oats
Oats are rich in water-soluble B vitamins along with potassium, a mineral that regulates water levels in the body. Banana Oat Energy Bites Raspberry Vanilla Overnight Oats
Either You pronounce it as To-ma-toes or To-may-toes, it helps anyways.
Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, beta-carotene, folate, potassium, vitamin C, flavonoids, and vitamin E. These nutrients help give tomatoes their diuretic effect.Tomato Pie Garlic Grilled Tomatoes
Maybe some more Cucumber to your salad nex time?
Cucumber is 96% water, making it the highest water content in any solid food. Cucumber Salsa Asian Cucumber Sesame Salad
Cabbage is a good side-dish you can consider next time!
Both green and red cabbage have powerful diuretic benefits since they have a high water content and are a good source of potassium.Cabbage Sautéed with Chicken Cabbage rolls with Hamburger Fillings in Tomato Sauce
Yes.Yes.Yes. The mighty Lemon always help (nearly everything!)
Other than helping you reduce water in your body, the Vitamin C in lemon could also help you burn fat during exercises. Lemon Syrup CopyCat Chick-fil-A Frosted Lemonade
Try to replace Potatoes with Asparagus next time when you make your fries.
The Vitamin K in asparagus act as a natural diuretic. It can also help regulate blood sugar with various kinds of B vitamins. Roasted Lemon Parmesan Garlic Asparagus Baked Asparagus FriesTake a look at the recipes linked in the article. They might be some good choices for your fight with water weight!