Remember, you can get a copy of your OneNote 12 Beta 2through Microsoft for free in the testing period – download it here. In “GTD” every multistep task is a “project,” every single task is an “action,” and the next physical action you need to do is the “next action.” The heart of GTD is breaking projects down into actions and next actions, so that your to-do list is a set of achievable tasks “Buy 10 pounds of nails at Home Depot” rather than overwhelming things like “Build the house.” Additionally, I break down my projects into 3 categories: “Urgent” projects on which I should be concentrating, “Ongoing” projects, and “Deferred” projects (some people call these “Fallow” projects). With that in mind, I customize my note flags. I use open checkboxes for actions, and starred checkboxes to indicate projects. I use green, blue, and yellow to indicate urgent, ongoing, and deferred categories Getting Things Done With OneNote 12 – [Knowing.Net]