Donald Trump is a well-known business man that has taken a dip in many facets of enterprise. This presidential election is more than man versus woman, democrat versus republican. Each candidate has a fiercely strong following that could leave the final numbers quite close when Election Day comes.

Lack of Experience vs. Maximum Experience

Donald Trump has just experienced his first live head-to-head debate, while Hillary Clinton has more than a few already under her belt. This means that while Clinton knows what to say and how to say it, Trump has likely been coached on how to speak and answer any rebuttals. This isn’t to say that he won’t veer off course every now and again, but the importance of staying rational is more pressing. The difference between these two presidential candidates is that Hillary can nonchalantly dismiss any of her questionable behavior while Donald must fervently defend his every action while simultaneously trying to drag his opponent down with him. A seasoned debater knows that a novice may overcompensate in this manner.

How Clinton Will Obtain More Voters

The uncertainty surrounding this election is astounding and the political divide is overwhelming. Hillary is an experienced politician and in the mind of many voters is the candidate that has the power to take over as leader of the United States almost seamlessly. Even when the candidates are contrasted so starkly, previous polls have shown that voters change their mind at the last minute before casting their official ballot to vote for the status quo. There is no doubt that the numbers will be changing from now until election day, and readers can visit sites like CNN, iForex, Politico, and The Nominant to keep up with the latest polls, election results, debate coverage, and candidate schedules.

How Trump Will Gain Strength

The simplicity in the way that he speaks will actually work in his favor. Historically, you will see plain phrases as the most quoted, like “I have a dream”. While this is typical for speeches that are meant to be heard and not read, Trump’s nonverbal expressions are limited as well. His small arsenal of eyebrow raises and finger pointing is likened to that of a car salesman ready to close a deal. This brings us to his undeniable dominance. Not only does he see himself as the clear winner, he points out that anyone else is the loser. Many voters see this is him simply speaking his mind, which is a huge point for conservatives that think the government hides information from citizens.

How Clinton Will Win

In the coming weeks, Hillary will have to focus on convincing the former supporters of Bernie Sanders that she shares his same values that drew in the support of millions of young people across America. In addition to this, she will need to convince the rest of the country that she is the best and only option for keeping Donald Trump from entering the White House. One of the simplest ways that Hillary may get more votes is one of the most obvious—Trump supporters might just stay home. Though this can’t be counted on, it is something that will happen even if it is just a small percentage of voters.

How Trump Will Win

Donald Trump will have to focus more on getting his supporters to the polls come Election Day. It has been said that his support has been underestimated in the polls so far, and the numbers could be playing into misplaced optimism for voters. The third party candidates make up only a very small percentage of voters and are more likely to negatively affect Hillary Clinton’s share of votes rather than Donald Trump’s.