The 12 key principles, known as The Scout Law, are simple to understand and easy to follow.  It is something that everyone we know can and should do to make our world a better place. People are looking for the keys to be successful in life.  They read books, go to seminars and attend classes (all of which are great things to do), but they sometimes miss the things that have been around for ages and have a proven track record. You do not have to be a Boy Scout to appreciate and benefit from the Scout Law. Here are the 12 things that we can learn about success from a Boy Scout

1. The Importance of being trustworthy

No one likes dealing with a person who is dishonest. Even criminals expect those they work with to be honest with them. A trustworthy person is a person who you can believe and trust. They are a man or woman of their word and when they have a job to do you know they will do it to the best of their ability. In business and in our personal life, those who can be trusted are valued and sought after.

2. The importance of being loyal

Loyalty is a word that is not used much anymore and has lost some of its meaning. A loyal friend, companion or employee is one that is held on to. This is a quality that displays dependability; one who will not betray or misuse relationships in any way. A success-minded person will always show loyalty to whom loyalty is due. Their honor and dedication is never in question.

3. The importance of being helpful

In a world of “me first” and “this is not my job”, the helpful person is treasured. Helpful people seek out ways they can help others. They are success-minded people who think of others before they think of themselves. Helpfulness does not look for a reward or to benefit from the service they offer. They do it because it is needed, no other reason. If you want to find success in this world, be helpful in every way you can. It will come back to you.

4. The importance of being friendly

Have you ever met a truly friendly person? They can light up a room and make everyone in it feel important. Being friendly is not something you are either born with or without, it is a choice you make every day. It starts with the knowledge that everyone you meet has something they can teach you and you have something to make their day better. You are important to them as they are to you. Friendliness is easy to develop. A smile, a kind word and a desire to please all other people is all that is needed and you too can make the world a better place.

5. The importance of being courteous

There was a time when everyone was expected to show good manners. Now, many think of manners as old fashion or unnecessary. Success-minded people understand that good manners will open more doors to you than education, wealth or talent ever will. Good manners are not just please and thank you, or what fork to use and where to place your napkin. Good manners are simply treating others with respect and kindness. Good manners require us to think of others first and treat them as we wish to be treated by them.

6. The importance of being kind

Of all the principles of a successful life, nothing will bring you greater success in all areas and a deeper joy than kindness. Kindness is a quality that we all desire to receive and should all desire to give. Kindness removes hurtful words and actions, it calms anger and can turn all things in your favor. Nothing speaks of a successful person like kindness.

7. The importance of being obedient

To be obedient does not mean you follow blindly and never question what you are told. Success-minded people understand that rules are there for a reason (and that reason is not to break them). To be obedient simply means that you will follow the rules, or the laws that you are given. We all have rules at work, at home and in our communities. If a rule or law is unfair, unnecessary or immoral, the obedient person does what is needed to change that rule or law in an orderly and peaceful manner.

8. The importance of being cheerful

If you have two people who have the same qualifications for a job and the same level of ability, however, one is grumpy and complains all the time and the other is cheerful and positive, who will you hire? The positive, cheerful person gets the job every time. Cheerfulness, like friendliness, is a choice we make, not a talent we are born with. No one likes to be around an unpleasant grump. Keep positive and cheerful and not only will others want you around, but you will feel better as well.

9. The importance of being thrifty

To be thrifty is more than just the ability to save money and not over spend. Thrifty people have a respect for property, their own and that of others. They know that waste is never a good thing and they do their best to care for what they have and to respect the use of what belongs to others. Whether at work, home or out in the community, a thrifty person will not destroy things, vandalize or leave their trash where it does not belong.

10. The importance of being brave

The world is in great need for those who are brave. The brave person will stand for what they know is right, no matter who or what tells them differently. It takes a brave person to believe that there is right and wrong in this world. That good and evil do exist and the brave person will always stand for that which is good and right. Compromise is not part of the life of the brave. They know at times they will stand alone, but they will stand all the same. These are the people who will do what is right, just because it is the right things to do.

11. The importance of being clean

Success-minded people know that there is more to being clean than what you do with soap and water. They know that dress matters. You will not achieve the respect or success you desire if you go around looking like someone pulled out from under the bed. There is a reason why sloppy people, in their dress and their lives, do not find success. If you don’t care about you, how can you care about anything else?

12. The importance of being reverent

Here is where people tend to feel that someone is stepping on their toes. Many do not like it when others talk to them about spiritual things. Success-minded people know that our spiritual awareness is an important part of who we are as people. The person who understands reverence can respect the beliefs, not only in others but also in themselves. They know that they can allow others to believe as they wish and see how their beliefs will effect what they do. They also are willing to honor their own beliefs and not do things that are contrary to them.