Think again. Brain power cannot only be strengthened and expanded – but is also practically limitless. For example, did you know that U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt could reportedly recite from memory entire newspaper pages?[1] He was also a speed reader who is alleged to have read two to three books a day. (Most people struggle to read two to three books a month!) Your brain power and mental clarity can definitely be boosted. And not just through mental exercises, but also through adding supplements to your diet.

Fish Oil Is a Potent Brain Power Booster

If you haven’t come across fish oil before, then I’ll give you a brief overview of what it is, and how it can benefit your brain. Fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon and tuna are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are versatile and powerful nutrients that are vital for a healthy functioning mind. One of the main omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil is DHA. Research has shown that about 40% of the fatty acids in brain cell membranes are DHA.[2] In other words, fish oil is packed full of nutrients that your brain needs. When your brain is starved of these nutrients, you may be prone to fatigue, poor memory, mood swings or even depression. Conversely, when you deliver a regular supply of these nutrients to your brain, you’re likely to boost your memory and overall mental performance.[3] Fish oil is a powerful supplement for your mind, and as you’ll see in a moment, this statement is supported by scientific research.

Fish Oil Supplements Improve Your Memory Even If You’ve Already Reached Your 70s

A recent study by Martek Biosciences looked at the mental health effects of taking DHA supplements (900 milligrams, once a day for six months).[4] The study took 485 people with an average age of 70, and divided them into two. The first half received genuine DHA supplements – the second half were given placebos. Participants were given memory tests at the start and end of the study. The results were fascinating. The initial memory tests showed that the study participants had an average of 13 errors out of 30. After six months, once the final memory tests were completed, participants taking the placebos reduced their error rate by 2.4. However, those taking the legitimate supplements reduced their error rate by 4.5. This is an 87 percent difference between those taking the placebos and those taking the genuine article. It’s worth noting that blood levels of DHA doubled over the course of the study for the participants taking the bona fide supplements. Interestingly, the researchers found that the higher the DHA level in a person – the better they performed in the memory tests. Clearly, fish oil supplements (with their abundant DHA content) can help improve your memory. Even if you’ve already reached your 70s.

Top Tips for Adding Fish Oil to Your Health Regime

Fish oil is available in liquid form, but (due to its unpleasant taste) is most popular in capsule form. Some companies even offer chewable fish oil capsules that are infused with fruit flavors such as berry or orange.

Where can I buy fish oil supplements?

Lucky for you, you can buy fish oil supplement at the Lifehack Shop too. Check out Infuel Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement at the Lifehack Shop now.

What’s the optimum amount to take?

If you’re eating two to three portions of oily fish a week, then you may be ingesting a healthy amount of omega-3 fatty acids. However, if you don’t eat much fish, then supplementation is the way to go. Some health organizations suggest a daily intake of 250 to 500 milligrams of EPA and DHA for healthy adults. Whereas, Dr. Axe recommends supplementing your diet with 1,000 milligrams of fish oil per day.[5] (If you’re currently on medication, or have a fish or shellfish allergy, please consult your doctor before taking fish oil.) Fish oil supplements are an effective and science-backed way of boosting your memory and brain power. They can also be beneficial to physical ailments such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and fertility disorders. If you’re struggling with mental fatigue and memory loss – then why not give fish oil supplementation a chance?