Feng shui experts believe that having a positive energy flowing within your bedroom will not only improve your sleep, but also create a balanced, harmonious, and prosperous environment. By paying attention to the placement of decoration, bedroom furniture and color choices, you can influence how your bedroom attracts these energies.

BUT what exactly is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui, (Chinese for wind-water) is an age-old art and science practiced by the Chinese over some 3,000 years ago. Feng shui experts and those who believe in its philosophy claim that chi, or the energy of life itself, is manifested in everything in creation. The goal of feng shui is to organize life and space to propagate a positive chi. It encourages you to harmonize your energy with your home so it connects with who you are and where you want to go.

How to Organize the Bedroom in Feng Shui Style

For first timers, incorporating feng shui in the bedroom requires an open mind. Everyone must understand that it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme that will make you a millionaire. Nor it is a superstition or a magical makeover that will instantly transform your life. Feng shui is all about harmony and balance. Organizing your bedroom in Feng Shui helps harmonize your energy with your environment and improves activities you do in your bedroom including sleep, relaxation, and sex. Ready to get started? The following are tips to help decorate and arrange your bedroom in feng shui style.

1. Declutter Your Bedroom

Feng shui is all about organizing the flow of positive Chi in your bedroom. And nothing screams disorganization than having a gazillion of clutter and junk piling on your bedroom floor. Most people have no idea what clutter does. Subconsciously, clutters wears you out. It depletes your energy, focus, and affects how you treat yourself and the people around you. Decluttering Tips:

Take 20-30 minutes every day to sort stuff in your bedroom. Put away other items that belong in other rooms. Throw trash out and put items which should be sold/donated in a box. Make use of creative bedroom storage, wall spaces, and corner shelves for items you need in your bedroom. If you have a nightstand, you can create a compartment inside to make it look nice and tidy. Create a serene bedroom space by choosing subtle lighting, warm colors, and comfortable textures. Remove trash under the bed including boxes, extra bedding, or anything you might have tucked away there into oblivion. Buy a hamper for your dirty clothes to keep them from piling on your floor.

2. Proper Bed Placement

Bed position is vital for a healthy and positive chi in the bedroom. Knowing that chi energy enters and leaves the room through windows and doors, it’s ideal that your bed is not blocking this pathway. Bed Placement Tips:

Place your bed diagonally from across the door. This will help you see anyone who enters the bedroom and prevent the chi energy from disturbing you while you sleep. Don’t place your bed directly opposite your door. This position is called the coffin or dead man position in Chinese and is considered bad luck. Don’t sleep under the bedroom window. Don’t sleep under beams or anything hanging down from your bedroom ceiling. Don’t put your mattress directly on the floor because that is the main chi pathway.

3. Choose Appropriate Bedroom Furniture

First off, you do not want to crowd your bedroom with an excess of furniture. Just choose ones that have purpose and beautify your space appropriately. Anything that doesn’t belong in your bedroom is clutter, and as we’ve established early on – clutter is bad. Bedroom Furniture Tips:

Avoid placing bedroom furniture with sharp angles pointing towards the bed. Sharp edges that create cutting chi cause the body to recoil and prevent a relaxed sleep. Never hang a mirror where your bed is reflected. This is a big no in feng shui. In feng shui, mirror represents qi energy or the water element which can double the energy of the person sleeping. This disrupts tranquility and creates restlessness during sleep. If you want to hang a mirror, make sure that it brings the beautiful nature outdoors to help bring healthy chi. Choose a sturdy headboard. Ideally, it should be made from wood and should have a solid frame that will support your back. Invest in a good mattress. When picking a mattress choose the appropriate size for your body. Avoid spring mattress at all costs. If you have no choice but to pick a spring mattress, choose the best innerspring mattress that would lessen the electromagnetic field conducted by metal which disrupts your positive energy flow.


The tips above will help you create a pleasant bedroom that can attract positive energy for a relaxing, sensual, and harmonious sleep. Those who want to incorporate feng shui in their bedroom should aim for the goal of balance and take the guidelines with an open mind and heart.

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