What is a Dream Collage?

A dream collage is a collection of images of the achievements or goals you wish to experience in reality. It’s a creative tool designed to help you visualize your dreams, thereby giving you a sense of purpose and direction. The use of a dream collage is very effective because you are able to create a picture of exactly what you want; scientists reveal that the subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behaviors. This is why you should carefully imprint the pictures of your desired future into your subconscious mind until they start to influence everything that you do, and a dream collage will help you achieve just that.

Things You Will Need

Scissors Glue Pictures from various sources Access to internet A journal/board

Step 1: Dream BIG

  You really need to dream big; your dream should get your heart pounding whenever you think about it. Just close your eyes for a few minutes and look deep within you, thinking about your utmost desires and your wildest dreams. You need to picture it like a movie, so clearly that you are able to transfer it on paper. Maybe you want to become the richest man in the world, a bestselling author, or the president of the United States. Dream big, and make sure that the dream is original. This process in itself is very rewarding as it will help you come to a realization of your true self.

Step 2: Sort

This second step is where you sort all of your dreams from step 1. You might need to delete some of them; I recommend that only your major goals go into the collage. The sub-goals are usually just means to help you achieve your major goals. Another thing you can do in case you have a lot of items on the list and don’t want to delete any of them is to have a separate collage for different aspects of your life, that is, one collage each for your spiritual life, your career, your family, and so on.

Now that you are clear on what you want, start searching for pictures that can represent each of your dreams. The rule here is to make sure that each picture makes sense to you; you can’t use a picture because someone else is using it. You can put pictures of the kind of house you want to live in or the kind of car you want to drive; you might not get the exact picture but use a picture that is very close to the original thing you want. If you want a beautiful wife and two kids, you can get a picture of a couple with two lovely kids. You can get pictures from magazines, catalogs, cereal boxes, TV Guide, Pinterest, Google, and so on. You can even draw some of the pictures, whatever works for you.

Step 4: Organize

Start pasting the pictures on a piece of cardboard, journal, or a white board. After each picture, write a sentence below it to convey the message to your mind. For example,if you paste a picture of a very big hotel, you can write this below it, “I have a 7 star hotel in the Paris.” Make use of key words in the present tense, for example, I have, I earn, I am the president of the United States. When you say these words to yourself over and over again, it destroys your old pattern of thoughts created by fear, doubt, and the society, and you now begin to see with clarity that you can do great things.

Step 5: Start Living Your Dreams

This is the most important step, as without this step, everything you have done in the previous steps will be a waste of time. You have to put your dream collage somewhere you can easily see it, preferably by your bed side so that you can see it every day before you go to bed and first thing in the morning — the subconscious mind is more receptive at these two periods. The more you review your goals, the clearer they become to you. Your subconscious mind will then begin to provide you with the ideas and drive you need to do to achieve all your dreams, and your productivity will increase dramatically.


Whatsoever the heart of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Start living your dreams today. 

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