You can lose weight fast without doing any exercise. It is commonly thought that calories control everything in terms of weight loss. Here is the shocker: calories do not matter; it is all based upon your environment and how well energy flows in your body. Our bodies are made up of predominately water, and water conducts energy. However, the environment that we live in today has changed from 100 years ago. Today, we have all sorts of electronic devices and electromagnetic forces that affect how the energy is conducted through our bodies. So what does this mean for you if you want to lose weight? It means that we have to eat more whole foods with real ingredients, drink high quality non-fluoridated water, and make sure that we are minding light cycles and circadian biology.

1.  Start Your Morning Off Right

You have always heard that breakfast is your most important meal, which is true. Breakfast starts to get your leptin back in check in your brain. Leptin is the key hormone for appetite, energy expenditure, and all hormonal functions in your body. If you are leptin resistant (i.e. overweight), then you more than likely have a series of hormonal problems at play, which can all be fixed by getting leptin in check. Eat a high protein breakfast (50 grams) of fish and/or meat within 30 minutes of waking alongside plenty of fat (coconut oil, bacon, duck fat, butter, avocado, olive oil).

2.  Continue to Eat Seasonal “Real” Food

Real food is exactly what is sounds like. It has ingredients that you understand, and it is currently growing in your area right now. These foods include vegetables (eat low carbohydrate vegetables and you will stay full longer) and fruits. Looking for recipes? Check out Civilized Caveman Cooking. Make sure that you are eating plenty of high quality seafood and grass-fed meats.

3. Stay Away from Grains, Dairy, and Added Sugars

This includes all gluten products, breads, pastries, rice, cereals, whole grains. Added sugars equal carbohydrates, too. Food that is higher in carbohydrates elicits an inflammation response in your body causing your body to not lose any weight. Dairy can also cause inflammation.

4.  Eat Your Last Meal At Least 4 Hours Before Bed

Remember your late night snacking? It’s gone. Giving yourself plenty of time to eat before bed will allow your body to digest food and your hormones to get in balance in your brain. It may be hard, but isn’t living life something that you want to do?

5.  Turn Off the Lights at Night

Artificial light allows us to do so much, but also hurts us because it makes it more difficult for our brains to tell time (the difference between night and day), which causes insulin resistance and all sorts of other health problems. When it is dark outside, it should be dark inside. At night, transition from using blue and white lights to using amber-colored lighting and candles. It makes all the difference and will also help you be able to sleep through the night. It’s known in the medical and science community as “circadian biology.”

6.  Do NOT Snack

Eat three meals a day. You may get to the point where you are not hungry for lunch, which is fine, but do not skip breakfast. If you seem to get hungry, make sure that you eat more fat at your next meal. These fats include avocados, bacon, duck fat, butter, coconut oil. Fat is your friend and does not make you get fat.

7.  Drink TONS of Spring Water or Reverse Osmosis Water

Water is key to making sure your body continues to conduct energy. The type of water that you drink matters. Fluoridated water (most tap water in the United States contains fluoride) actually destroys the blood barrier in the brain, causing more havoc on our bodies and allowing toxins to get into the brain. Spring water and reverse osmosis water from a non-fluoridated source are what you should be drinking. Drink at least 2.5 liters a day. The more your are around electronics, the more water you should drink.

8. Go Outside and See the Sun

The sun is actually good for us. It provides us with more energy in our bodies. The sun’s light is transferred into photons, which our bodies read as electrons (i.e. energy). The more energy you have, the less inflammation you have, the more weight you lose, and the better you feel. Bonus: If you want to speed up your weight loss, start doing cold thermogenesis. This involves cooling down your body in order to save its energy and not lose it to your environment, and can be accomplished by taking ice baths. Be careful, and watch out for your skin temperature. If your skin starts to get white, it’s time to get out of the cold water. Exercise is good for you; however, it is not the key factor when you are trying to lose weight. It is all based on the energy equation. The more energy that you have, the healthier you will be. If you are tired of trying every other diet under the sun only to be left disappointed, this information should help. It’s not about the calories; it’s about the energy. I follow this protocol myself and have transformed my health over the past 8 months. It will make you feel the best that you have ever felt in your life.