(Haven’t we all.) Remembering people’s names is crucial if you want to build strong relationships in life. And we all know strong relationships are one of the most important factors for a productive and successful life. So why is it so difficult to remember someone’s name? And what can we do to make sure we’re not left in an awkward situation where we utter those fatal words: “sorry – what was your name again?”
Why Bother Remembering Someone’s Name?
One of the key reasons we forget names is that we don’t ‘focus’ our attention on them. As soon as we’re introduced to someone new, our thoughts are racing ahead to think of ‘what to say next’ and we pay no attention to the name we’ve just been told. Not only is it embarrassing when this happens, it can also severely damage new relationships. Because the truth is, you will offend people when you forget their name. You’ll make them feel like they’re not that important and that essentially you don’t really respect them enough to go to the trouble of remembering their name. On the flip side, one of the quickest and easiest ways to build rapport and demonstrate your respect for someone – is to use their name when you’re speaking to them. You may have noticed that successful people who carry a lot of authority in their jobs often use peoples names when they’re speaking. They do this to be more persuasive and build relationships at the subconscious level. So remembering people’s names really is worth it!
What Can You Do to Remember People’s Names?
There are a few things you can do to help you with this. As you can see, there are many ways to increase your memory when it comes to remembering people’s names. And in my experience it really is worth it to make the effort, especially if it means you escape that dreaded phrase: “Sorry what was your name again?” Why not try using one of these tips next time you’re introduced to someone? Who knows – it could be the start of a really important relationship in your life? (Photo credit: Close Up of Man with Name Tag via Shutterstock)