Anticipate Failure

Let Go And Delegate

Perfectionist? Perfectionism, is not all that it’s cracked up to be. What a dream it would be to let go of the task at hand and learn how to delegate.Or take the advice of Wayne Gretzky,nicknamed the ‘Great One’ by his fellow players said, “You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Conceivably, delegation is the same type of risk. You are depending that the person you have chosen will do the job and well.  In cultivating a successful mindset, you will find that successful delegation is not an easy task. Yet, the benefits from delegating tasks can be richly rewarding. Try brainstorming about a tough issue. In this case, the more ideas the better when solving the job ahead.  It is always entirely possible that someone else may have the idea that can solve the problem you have. Helen Keller, author, lecturer, and political activist said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”  

Be A Lifelong Learner

Expanding on or learning new skills, is very much a necessity in sustaining a successful mindset. There are thousands of free online courses available to anyone willing to put in the time and effort. When you decide to learn new opportunities begin to build and grow and avenues are opened that you may have never considered before. Isaac Asimov, author and professor of Bio-Chemistry said, “People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us that do.” Expanding your knowledge is always a personal investment and helps you ultimately toward your ultimate goal. Henry L. Doherty, a successful financier said that everyone should, “Be a student so long as there is something to learn and this will mean all your life.”

Develop A Sense Of Humor

Oscar Wilde, who was considered to be the best playwright of his time said,”Life’s too short to be taken seriously.” And there is a great deal of truth in the old adage that, laughter is the best medicine. Keeping or developing a sense of humor only benefits you as you move forward in developing a successful mindset. Laughter relieves stress and often provides the opportunity to view a problem in a different light. Develop your sense of humor through relaxing with family and friends, as well as, by learning how not to take yourself so seriously. There is power in positive thinking, so long as there is action involved. Featured photo credit: Celestine Chua via

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