Keep them in mind and you’ll never go far wrong, even when life doesn’t go quite according to plan.

1. Time spent on people who don’t appreciate you is time wasted

Life is challenging enough even with the support of positive people, so don’t waste your precious time or energy on those who belittle you, fail to appreciate you, or make you feel bad. Most of us can probably remember a time when we spent weeks, months or even years trying to win over someone who in the end just didn’t deserve us. When you sense that a so-called friend or partner is using you or neglects to show you affection, it’s time to move on. Show yourself some respect and sever ties that damage your emotional health.

2. Identify what you want, and go for it

No-one else can know you better than you can know yourself. By the time you reach your mid-twenties, you will realize that only you can choose the right path for yourself. This applies to the career you pursue, the type of relationships you want, and the skills you develop. It may feel initially scary to take complete responsibility for yourself, but ultimately you will feel completely empowered. It takes courage to look to yourself for guidance, especially if you come from a critical home environment, but doing so is part of being a fully-developed adult. Remember the first time you took a decision that was based solely on your own preferences and values, and how good that felt? Hold onto that memory and use it to bolster your courage when it’s time to chase after your dreams.

3. Take no-one for granted

Always remember to value and treasure those who have your back, give you encouragement during the dark times, and offer you their love and help on a regular basis. If you have a good friend you haven’t seen for a while, why not reach out and make contact? Nurture your family relationships too. If you are lucky enough to be on good terms with your parents, remember that they won’t be around forever. Act accordingly by keeping in touch and thanking them for their wisdom and support.

4. You can choose to be happy or miserable. Choose wisely

Sometimes we can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control how we react. As far as anyone knows, we only get one chance to make this journey called life. Think back to a time when you managed to handle bad news or a less-than-desirable outcome with grace and good humor. When life throws you the next curveball (which, of course, it will!), draw on your inner resources and decide to be as happy as possible regardless of what is going on around you.

5. Don’t be afraid of your feelings

Whilst it’s preferable to cultivate a positive attitude, sometimes you need to confront your negative feelings and darkest fears. It’s entirely appropriate and natural, for example, to feel sad after a breakup or a sense of disappointment if the job you wanted didn’t work out. At times like these, your feelings can actually be your best friends, because when you carry on under conditions of adversity you prove just how strong you are. This will lay the foundations for a more fearless outlook on life. Take the above life lessons on board and you won’t just survive your late twenties and beyond, you will thrive! Above all, remember that you are a person of worth and have everything you need to reach your goals and meet life’s challenges head-on. Featured photo credit: Ezra Jeffrey via