Figuring out how the world works and what your place is in it can be either a steep or gradual learning curve for those in their twenties. It needs to be faced no matter how hard it is. With that in mind, here are 10 lessons we should learn in our twenties that will make the journey through our thirties much smoother.

1. Appreciate every person in your life

Never take anyone for granted, especially those who are looking out for you and your best interests. Appreciate them and keep them close. Even the people who do you wrong are there to show you contrast and make you a stronger person. Appreciate what they’ve taught you and let them go.

2. There’s never a perfect moment to start

When we’re young we feel that we have all the time in the world and we make excuses to start things when the timing feels more perfect. The fact is, there’s never going to be a perfect time. Whatever it is, act now. There may never be a better moment.

3. Growth comes from leaving your comfort zone

Feeling comfortable is nice but that’s how you get stuck in life. Make a habit of doing things that feel uncomfortable and you will notice the abundance of growth it adds to your life.

4. Never stay in a broken relationship

Holding on to a relationship or person that doesn’t feel good or is causing you pain will never allow you to move on and meet the people who are meant to be in your life. If it’s continually not working, stop trying to fix it. Let go and move on.

5. Perseverance is the key to success

We live in a world where we want to get everywhere fast but true success comes with perseverance and patience. Dedication to your goals and dreams will be much more fulfilling than achieving something quickly and frivolously.

6. Stop focusing on improving your weaknesses

No one is perfect and everyone has their flaws. Don’t waste time focusing and improving weaknesses but instead attend to your strengths. Most of the time what we perceive as weaknesses aren’t actually weaknesses at all.

7. Happiness comes from within

Stop searching for happiness outside of yourself. Whether it’s a relationship, a big salary, or the latest gadget, none of these can bring you lasting happiness. They only enhance what you’ve already created within yourself.

8. Your online friends are fake

O.k., not all of them, but having 700 friends doesn’t make you popular. It just means you have many acquaintances who would never honestly care about you in your hour of need.

9. Studying doesn’t end once you finish formal education

Never stop learning. Continuing to access knowledge and expand your thoughts and ideas on a new subject- whether it’s learning a new language or reading up on the history of your city- is crucial for personal development and keeping your mind ticking.

10. Prepare to get your heart broken a few more times

Heartbreak isn’t the best feeling but it’s inevitable and necessary to move you along the path towards finding that perfect person. Appreciate what the person has shown to you, take only good from it, and use it to refine what you want in your next relationship. Featured photo credit: via