Have a heart to heart with yourself

I asked myself recently “What story is writing through me?” What is the void in my soul? The precise answer that I am waiting for hasn’t come quickly. The chapters are still unfolding, but no doubt there is a pen moving. Don’t assume just because something is difficult that it is not of a greater purpose. The challenges you may face are very real. Many have given up what would have become tremendous accomplishments because of this. How do you discover your purpose? I don’t have the answer to that, I do however have a simple question that may help. It has helped me.

Purpose is difficult, but not impossible to find

Here is the secret. What is important to you? What is your passion? What causes that short stretch of joy that you wish would last much longer? That satisfying natural rush? This complicated question is like stripping off winter clothes in a hurry. Getting through the layers is no easy task. Ask questions that display a greater calm than the person standing next to them. We all know of someone who has an infectious lightheartedness about them. When you answer this honestly, I believe that you begin to unpack and discard the values, priorities and traditions of other people. Now you’ve found what matters most. Your own. What can you do to make a difference, to have a real life, feel good, change witnessing difference. For me it is the ineffable joy of putting myself out there for others. The honor of introducing hope to those who may have given up starts with a simple smile. For you, it may be refinishing furniture, giving your time to a charity, not kicking your mate out of bed for snoring or in my part of the country, building a chicken coop! Whatever it is, everything involves sacrifices. The gut wrenching brown patches in the otherwise green grass kind. How’s your turf builder lately?

Dreading your days? Maybe changing direction can help

Rarely have we figured it all out. We learn things as we do them. Listen to your dissatisfaction. It can turn out to be more of a guiding force than you think. Have you become bored, irritable and can’t seem to get out of your own way? If you are like me, those were just the clues that screamed “put on the brakes!” Sometimes the answers that we need are really close. It is frightening when you step out of the limited boxes that we have all been programmed to remain in. Greatness takes a beautiful arrangement of sweat, patience and disappointment, but I assure you it is worth it. Following through with what you know in your gut to be your gift is the key to finding your joy. May I encourage you to search your soul, honest and brutal. The abundance as a result of the truth you find holds value – not only for the present, but it can last for generations.

Enjoy the ride

Be bold and be favored. Your world message begins on the inside and it will spread as large as your decisions allow it to. Take the road less traveled. The sights are wonderful. Featured photo credit: Jeremy Cai via images.unsplash.com