How This Simulator Can Help Others Understand The Condition
With so many misconceptions around the subject, anything that can help those who are unaffected better understand those with the diagnosis should be celebrated. Luckily, there is now an online simulator that grants neurotypical people something of an insight into how hard it can be to read text for those with this difficulty. The idea for this simulator came about from a discussion between its developer and a dyslexic friend, who explained that when she read text, the letters would appear to move around on the page. While this may be a familiar experience for those with dyslexia, it is very difficult for those who are unaffected to understand. The developer went on to create the simulator using Javascript and set it up so that whenever the page is loaded, the words shift and move around, creating a slightly dizzying effect that makes reading a laborious process.
So the next time you’re trying to make someone understand how it really feels to be dyslexic, simply link them to the simulator here and let them experience for themselves how tricky it can for some people to read an article or enjoy a good book.