So, which will work for you? Duolingo or Rosetta?[1] Duolingo is a free service and is mostly based upon practicing translating the language you are trying to learn into your own. It is also the most popular of the two. When you are just starting out, having each word translated and working in this way can majorly help you get the basics. If you’re at the intermediate stage, though, despite learning a few new words, it can feel like you’re moving backwards. Because you are now thinking in your own language, whereas before you weren’t. Rosetta Stone is a paid for service, which is more immersive than Duolingo. Rosetta is slightly more challenging in the short-term, but can deepen your knowledge and ability to think in the language you are learning. When our minds are not translating each phrase, we go straight to the word in that language, so once we know it, we don’t have to go the long way round. This is key to learning faster in the long run. It is also closer to how we naturally learn a language as children. So, Rosetta or Duolingo? If you’re looking to grasp the basics of a language for free, it’s Duolingo all the way. If you are already comfortable with a language and wanting to expand your knowledge, go for Rosetta. Whichever you choose, make sure you enjoy learning. The more relaxed you are, the more naturally you will pick it up. You can also improve in many other ways; by listening to the radio in the language you want to learn, reading books, watching films or Youtube videos, and going to the country where they speak it. Good luck with your language learning goals, mes amis, or should I say, bonne chance?! Featured photo credit: Fluent in 3 months via