We are experts in multi-tasking and even then our minds are always occupied with the next item on our to-do list. We are tired and exhausted both physically and mentally. It’s hard to keep up with what’s really going on in life. Sometimes we find that we are losing ourselves in the process. Moreover, we often forget the things that are most valuable to us. Although we are well aware our health is the most precious asset we need to nourish in order to live a happier life, we easily take it for granted. Sounds like you? If so, I strongly recommend you to take a moment to pause and treat yourself to the following simple, do-it-yourself foot massage. Countless studies show that foot massage can boost circulation and reduce physical pain, anxiety and stress, ultimately revitalizing our entire body, mind and soul. So, let’s get to it. This can be done anywhere and anytime. All it takes is 5 minutes of your time each night. So go grab a chair, or sit comfortably on the floor and get into the groove.

Step 1: Preparation

Put on some soft and relaxing music. Soak your feet in a tub of warm water before you start. You may add scented essential oils or foaming gel to the water if you’d like. Get a towel, lotion or oil. Prop one foot in your lap and let the other rest extended in front of you. Put a small amount warm lotion or oil in your hand. Coconut or olive oil works well. Smooth the lotion or oil over the foot.

Step 2: Rub your Sole

Hold the bottom of the foot firmly with both hands. Begin rubbing the top of the foot using a firm motion with your thumbs, slowly working your way down to the sole of the foot. Apply more pressure as you get closer to the sole. With the other hand, use a loose fist or an open palm and gently tap the sole of your foot to stimulate blood circulation. This is especially helpful when you have cold feet.

Step 3: Work on each Individual Toe.

Grasp the foot beneath the arch. With the other hand, beginning with the big toe, hold the toe with your thumb on top and index finger beneath. With one hand, gently stretch your toes back. Go to each toe and gently pull on it. Imagine the pulling motion of milking a cow while doing this. Slide your index finger into the gap between each toe. Spend time moving it back and forth, rubbing the base of each toe with your index and thumb if desired. Gently slide all five fingers between each of the toes simultaneously, while rubbing a small amount of massage oil or cream between each one.

Step 4: Loosen Ankle Joints.

Place your right foot on top of your left thigh. Using both hands, rotate your foot at the ankle and gently rub your fingers over the top of the bone. Grasp the ball of the foot with the other hand and turn the foot slowly at the ankle three to five times in each direction. This is a particularly good exercise for anyone who’s suffering from arthritis.

Step 5: Apply Pressure to the Arches

Overlap your thumbs and apply gentle pressure just below the heel bone and then push slowly up to the bone of the big toe. Begin again pressing gently into the lower arch near the heel bone and then slowly spread your thumbs open, stretching the full width of the arch. Overlap your thumbs again, this time pressing a bit higher on the arch, closer to the bone of the big toe. Continue these techniques until your reach the heel of the big toe. End this portion of your foot massage by simply rubbing in large circular motions with your thumbs around the arch.

Step 6: Use the T-shape Fan Technique

Wrap both hands around your foot, with thumbs meeting at the bottom of your sole and fingers curled lightly onto the top of the foot. Press your thumbs into the sole and then sweep them up the center of your sole. Near the toes, fan the thumbs out toward the sides of the feet to complete the T-shape and stretch the foot outward.

More Helpful Tips:

Try to give equal attention to both feet, as the body relishes the balance. Throughout the massage, if you feel tension building up in your hands, shake out your hands periodically. Another interesting technique is rolling the foot on a tennis ball while seated. It’s a gentle and effective massage for the whole foot. You can also place a handful of marbles on the floor and rub your foot across them with gentle pressure too. Well done! Feeling lighter on your feet and fresher in your mind? Stick this how-to technique on your refrigerator, bedroom walls or bathroom mirror until you learn the steps by heart. And like any other habit, stick to it and take care of your well-being before it’s too late. Stand tall on your own feet and feel proud!