― Harriet B. Braiker All of us have encountered a manipulator at some point in our lives. Remember that “something” you didn’t want to buy, but had to because someone convinced you? Yes, there is a good chance of that someone being a manipulator. Manipulation is a dirty game. You never know what is going on in a manipulator’s head, and you have no idea what they can make you believe. Psychology defines manipulation as an act of exercising unjustified control over someone by mental misrepresentation or emotional abuse with malice aforethought of taking power, advantages, and favors, all at the cost of the prey.

How does a manipulator succeed in doing what they do?

Manipulation is not like social influence. Social influence is a process of being inspired by those around us. It is the foundation of constructive relationships. It’s best to detect them and stay away from them! What set manipulators apart from normal people are their modus operandi : Detect: It’s like a superpower. Manipulators can detect weakness, and they know exactly how to use it. Advantage: Once they understand what makes you vulnerable, they will weaponize it against you. Convince: They have amazing convincing abilities. They will have you at their feet because they’ve convinced you to give something up for their selfish interest. Repeat: Success reinforces the high spirits of manipulators, and they will repeat their actions until you identify and eliminate them.

How to spot a manipulator?

You can find manipulators on any page of your life: Work, Home or Love. The scary part is that they are very cunning. If you suspect that you are dealing with a manipulator, it’s time to be sure and get rid of them for the better. Characteristics of a typical manipulator

How to stop a manipulator

Now that you know what you’re dealing with, it’s time to stop them. Getting rid of manipulators isn’t always easy, especially when the manipulator is someone close to you. But trust me, only your withdrawal is going to change them. Realize that you don’t need to stay in a toxic friendship or relationship unwillingly. Understand your basic human rights and don’t let anybody convince you to go against them. Learn to be straightforward without being rude, and remember that you have the right to say “no”. You deserve to be free from manipulation. There are numerous scientifically proven ways to handle a manipulator successfully, and they can save you from the personal violation that is manipulation.