Ask about their day – and listen to their answer

Do ask them how their day went. But this is the equivalent of asking your friend “What’s up?” They will most likely answer “Good” and move on to something else. But if you’re genuine when you ask them this question, it lets them know you truly want to know about their day – the good and the bad. Allow them to open up to you on a daily basis, and you’ll continue growing closer each and every day.

Show gratitude

You’re definitely thankful for everything your love does, but do they know that? Make it a point to give thanks constantly, even for the littlest favors. If they serve you dinner, be sure to tell them how much you appreciate it. If you come home to a clean house, make it a point to say “thanks” for their hard work. Most importantly, thank them simply for being who they are, and being there for you when you need them most.

Show interest in their passions

You’re both separate people, with separate interests and hobbies. But you should always be willing to try new things together, especially if it’s something your significant other loves to do. Expand your comfort zone; you might end up finding a new passion that you can enjoy together for the rest of your lives.

Schedule down time together

It’s no secret that we live in a busy world. Because of this, it’s incredibly important to find time to just relax together. Even if it’s ten minutes in the morning or right before bed, make it a point to turn the TV off and spend some quality time together. It may be a while before you get the chance to do so again.

Pull your weight

A relationship simply can’t be one-sided. You both have to put an equal effort into every single part of it. If your significant other’s working, make sure dinner is on the table when they get home. If you both have a night off, don’t make plans with your other friends and leave them sitting at home. Don’t be the one that forgets anniversaries and holidays. Put your all into the relationship; it might be the most important connection you make in your lifetime.

Be excited for them

Be enthusiastic about every little thing that gets them excited. Maybe they just got a new job, or a new opportunity opened up for them at work. Maybe something interesting happened to them on the way home from class. Whatever it is, be just as excited as they are when they come to you with something worth talking about. They’re only telling you because they want to share their exuberance with you.

Be weird together

Being in a relationship with the person of your dreams should mean you don’t really care what anyone else besides that person thinks. You’d do anything to make them smile, even if it goes against social norms. Be the one to jump in a puddle and start singing in the rain, or the one who to do a cartwheel in the middle of the park while walking to a picnic bench. While taking your relationship seriously, it’s important to remember not to take life too seriously. Featured photo credit: Sunset / Laura Gineitytė via