What does blue light do to our eyes?

The harm that blue light can do to our eyes has been well-documented. Not only does it cause eyestrain and disrupt our sleeping patterns, but it can also directly harm our retinas and increase the speed of macular degeneration. There is blue light in sunlight and in most light sources, and it’s important for our eye health. But there is a point where it becomes harmful. These days, people use digital devices and modern lighting more and more often. While CFLs emit a high level of harmful blue light (25%), LEDs release even more (35%). By 2020, it is estimated that 90% of our light sources will be LED lighting. What’s more, there is evidence that modern lighting habits are causing harm to our vision. Cataracts and macular degeneration have increased among the baby boomer generation. And if it’s really about modern lighting, then younger generations will experience even higher rates of macular degeneration. It turns out that all the screens in our lives probably do “ruin our eyes“!

How F.Lux help you adjust the brightness and colour based on your timezone?

You can help ameliorate some of the problems with blue light by using the app F.lux. This simple but super-effective app balances a friendly interface with just the right number of features to help you rest better. It’s a simple concept: install onto your computer or other device, set it to your time zone and your preferences (based on when you fall asleep and wake up), and your screen will automatically adjust by removing blue light as you get ready to sleep.

As shown in the above screenshot, there are various “modes” you can choose from. “Recommended colors” is the best option for most people, but you can also try “Classic f.lux,” which doesn’t make your screen look quite as red-orange in the evening. There are also “close to the equator” and “working late options,” and you can also choose “Custom colors” to totally adjust based on your preferences. Most importantly, you can choose what time you wake up. This is when the blue light will be added into the screen, as it’s closer to actual sunlight. If you spend a few weeks with this app you’ll find what fits your personal needs best.

See how much different your screen colour could be by using F.lux

Here’s a comparison to show you how drastic the difference is with F.lux:

(Image from http://swolept.com/posts/why-you-need-to-install-f-lux-free-app-review#.WfDIlBOPLOQ) On the left is what you see on your computer screen now, or even if you have F.lux, this is what your screen will look like during the day. On the left is what you’d see later at night. The removal of blue light is not easily noticeable while it’s happening. If you are looking at the screen constantly, the light is taken away very gradually.

Install F.lux and Protect Your Eyes Now

If you’re interested in learning more about how much blue light F.lux removes, visit this cool website and select the device you use. The app developers also maintain a blog that focuses on the effects of blue light on health and tools for combating these problems. Best of all, F.lux is totally free for MacOS users! Just visit the website and download to try it out. F.lux is also developing versions for Windows and Linux. Don’t take a risk on your health as we continue to use screens for everything, for work, connecting with family and friends, writing papers for school, and for entertainment. F.lux is an easy-to-use and easy-to-try app that you can download for free. Give it a chance and see if you notice a difference in your sleep.

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