1. You approach the end of the work day with more energy
According to studies, if you don’t get enough sleep, you reach exhaustion around 11% faster than people who get enough sleep. That may not sound like a lot but in an 8 hour work day, that’s the difference between getting tired at 4:15 P.M. and getting tired at 5 P.M. That last 45 minutes can be some of the most productive of the day if you’re awake enough to experience it.
2. You react to things better and more quickly
3. You won’t put it off til the last minute so often
Lack of sleep has been linked to procrastination. When you don’t sleep well, your energy levels are low and that means you simply don’t feel like doing the work you normally do. This can tank your productivity and actually make you procrastinate.
4. You’ll be in a better mood to do work
There is a mental feeling of well-being when you get enough sleep and it shows when you show up for work. You’re happier, more energetic, and when you sit down at your desk you’re more prepared to tackle the day. It’s psychological but it’s still tangible because there is no doubt that you get more work done when you’re rested and prepared for the day as opposed to getting terrible sleep.
5. You will approach jobs like you’re not drunk
6. You will solve problems better
Famous minds like Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison loved their nap times. That’s because they always had a problem to solve and sleeping can help you with that. When you sleep, your brain is still pretty active sorting out things and solving problems. When you wake up, your brain is fresh to tackle new problems and continue to solve old ones.
7. You approach work more creatively
Sometimes it’s how hard you work, it’s how you work. When you’re tired, you may be too zombified to find more productive ways of doing things. After a good night’s rest, you may not just be ready for a hard day’s work but you may approach your problems more creatively which can help you work smarter not harder. Who knew that having more energy could actually save you more energy? Aside from every scientist ever and now you, of course!
8. You will have a better memory
Have you ever left your job and halfway home remembered that you forgot to do something? Or been on your way to work and realize your forgot something important at home. When you get good sleep, you’ll likely start remembering those things before you’re in the car on your way to your next destination. Like we discussed, sleeping kind of helps the brain clean its own slate and that means you have less on your mind to push the stuff you need to remember out of the way.
Sleeping is important. It doesn’t take science to tell you that. Aside from the dozens of health benefits, sleep can also help make you more productive and help you enjoy your job more. The bottom line advise here is the same as it always is. Get more sleep! Featured photo credit: Incredible Things via incrediblethings.com