But, your appearance isn’t the only metric that matters in this world. Looks don’t last forever, they fade over time. Having a superficial mindset limits you on the great people you can meet in this world. A healthy look is important, but displaying great character and personality is most important. Great character and personality isn’t defined by how much you deadlift, how much you weigh, or how much money you have. You can look good while adding value to your character and personality by improving on these areas below:

1. Be your own person

Do you sacrifice your identity to fit in with the mainstream? Do you get uncomfortable going against the majority? Are you a sheep who blends in with the flock?  Or, are you a wolf, who stands out from the pack? Being yourself is about having your own ideas, opinions, and thoughts.  Don’t be afraid to follow your dreams and hobbies, regardless of what everyone else thinks. No need to put a mask on and be someone else.

2. Be 100 percent independent

We rely on others for support and decision making too often. Putting your happiness, along with other facets of life, in the hands of others in hopes of discovering fulfillment is a terrible idea. It’s up to you and only you to discover fulfillment and happiness. Take responsibility for your life and make decisions without relying on someone else. Free yourself from hanging in the birdcage.

3. Be positive

No one wants to hang out with a negative Nancy. Being negative brings no value to your life. Stressful events will occur, but you can control how you respond to those stressful situations. Will you be negative (the easy way out) or will you find the silver lining? Positive people attract other positive people. You are the company that you keep.

4. Be confident

“You’re awesome”. I wake up every morning, telling myself this in the mirror as I prepare to tackle the world. Not to be narcissistic, but to remind myself that I’m good enough and deserve good things. It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing what everyone else is doing, then feeling inadequate afterwards. Whether it’s fitness and being lean enough; climbing the corporate ladder; working on your new business or going after that girl, who you fear is out of your league. Take a step back from this noisy world, and choose yourself. Remember, you’re good enough already. Keep your chin up, shoulder back, and walk like the superstar you are.

5. Be comfortable without the spotlight

It’s not always going to be about you. The sooner you realize this, the better your life is going to get. People who are comfortable with themselves don’t need constant attention in order to feel wanted. You become much more beautiful to the world when you quit seeking validation from the world. Your approval is the only jury.

6. Be kind

At times, we’re stressed, frustrated, confused, annoyed, and mad at various things in life. We take our frustrations out on the world. Admit it, you’ve taken to social media to share a nasty opinion on something that made you mad. You’ve treated a stranger like dog poo because you were having a bad day and got stuck in traffic. Who wants to hang out with people who are ugly, selfish, and treats others less than human? Practice compassion and sympathy, instead of reacting negatively to situations or talking about someone.

7. Be passionate about something(anything!)

It’s sad to meet people who are going through the motions of life without anything that is getting them excited. Passion is an attribute that everyone finds sexy and magnetic.  Passionate people have energy and enthusiasm that rubs off on anyone they run into. Everyone wants to be around passionate people. It doesn’t matter what you’re passionate about, it matters that you’re doing something about it.

8. Be bold and adventurous

Don’t be that person whose full of regret. If only they did ‘this & that’, then life would be this way. There’s people who dream and take action. However, there’s people who dream and keep dreaming, failing to take action. We call those people pretenders. The most attractive people in this world are those who understand life is about exploration and self-discovery. Staying within our comfort zones is not an option. People who continue to improve themselves and take chances are more attractive than those who sit back and wish for everything.

9. Be decisive and act with intention

Knowing what you want out of life and taking action towards it are qualities that will increase anyone’s attractiveness. Being hesitant, timid, and afraid to take action are qualities of people who are insecure. Decide what you want and go after it with relentlessness. Acting with intention shows you have purpose and confidence, which anyone of quality will find irresistible.

10. Practice gratitude

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson It’s easy to forget the simple things in life and take for granted things such as: breathing, health, friends, music, knowledge, freedom, food, and many others. We become pre-occupied with our daily struggles and focus on what we don’t have, that we forget to give thanks to what we already have. People who are grateful for what they have are happier and more attractive, since it’s not always about adding superficial items and keeping up with the Jones’s.   What are some other ways to look good without focusing on appearance? Comment below, I’ll love to hear some other responses I left out.

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