Now, thanks to a crowdfunded project on Indiegogo, women have another option in anti-rape garments. AR Wear looks like ordinary clothing and comes in a variety of styles so every woman can feel comfortable wearing these designs. But while they may look like other fashions, these anti-rape garments are difficult to remove whether by force or by stealth (they are hard to rip off, cut or tear) so whether a woman is being attacked by a random stranger or is drugged by male acquaintance, these ensembles will hopefully frustrate them to the point where they give up. You can order your own set of anti-rape garments from the crowdfunding site right now, but if you miss the deadline, be comforted by the fact that the project is fully funded so you should be able to order them at some time.

ARWEAR from ARWEAR on Vimeo. AR Wear | Indiegogo