When most people think of boyish girls they might imagine someone who wears a baseball cap with a ponytail sticking out, a plaid shirt and baggy cut-off shorts. Or a girl who hates makeup, love sports and is maybe even a little insensitive. I’m sure you aren’t surprised that there are a lot of stereotypes around boyish girls, (also known as tomboys). As a full-fledged boyish girl, I know what it’s like to be misunderstood. Since middle school I’ve been asked repeatedly if I’m a lesbian because I act like a dude: I have a crude sense of humour, poor posture, prefer short hair (because it’s easier to maintain, duh), hate wearing skirts and dresses, and I love getting my hands dirty (I’m not afraid of spiders, or picking up ooey-gooey things). But just because I’m into video games and prefer denim over lace doesn’t mean I’m any less of a woman than a girly-girl. In fact, boyish girls have a lot of positive traits that everyone can appreciate.

They’re Playful

Boyish girls are really playful people. They love getting in the game, whether it’s a friendly touch football match or an all out competition on Xbox. Not only are they willing to jump into sports and video games, but they love to joke around, egging you on to race them, encouraging play fights and even joining in on poker night. These ladies love being invited out to hit a few balls or catch a game at the local sports bar.

They’re Low Maintenance

Some girls can take hours getting ready to go out, but boyish girls are quick to leave the house. Although many boyish girls still enjoy dressing up and doing their makeup, they typically keep it much more simple and minimal compared to their girly friends (while still looking hot). Despite what a lot of people think, boyish girls do enjoy getting dolled up now and then; it’s just that we realize a little bit of mascara and lip gloss can go a long way, and tights jeans paired with a sexy top is just as attractive (and a lot more practical) than a slinky dress.

They’re Easygoing

While a stereotypical girly girl is not only high-maintenance in her appearance, but also her personality, boyish girls are often a lot more easygoing. They’re comfortable being themselves and therefore more relaxed in their behavior and moods. A lot of girls (and guys) appreciate this quality because it makes boyish girls really easy to talk to. Instead of getting you all worked up over some “dramatic: situation, they’re more likely to help you calm down and see things more clearly.

They’re Adventurous

Boyish girls love adventure! They enjoy the outdoors, travel and trying new things, because, really, what’s the worst that could happen? (Remember they’re also easygoing.) Their adventurous spirit can be a good thing, not only because it’s fun for other adventurous people, but because they help bring their more timid friends out their comfort zones.

They Have a Great Sense of Humor

And, of course, boyish girls love to laugh! They can find the humour in almost anything from slapstick comedy to crude stand-up, and when they laugh, they genuinely laugh, without trying to hold it in or stifle their giggles. While some boyish girls can take their humor too far (I’ve been known to), their sense of humor is usually well appreciated by their friends and family. Just because boyish girls are a little, well, boyish, doesn’t mean they don’t make great gal pals or that they’re necessarily secretly a lesbian; they simply enjoy different things and should be appreciated for it. Featured photo credit: Flickr via flickr.com