You are living in an age where watches are computers and printers make 3-D edible food. Those 2014 inventions better make room for the newest technological advancement—a table that’s an air conditioner.
Advantages to Having an Air Conditioner that Looks Like a Table
How the Table Works
Planks in place under the table start absorbing the heat in the room as soon as the temperature rises to 71%. Working like a sponge, those planks contain wax that actually softens and absorb the heat in the room. Don’t worry about getting a chill. As soon as the temperature drops below 71%, the wax hardens and releases the heat to warm the room again. Tech. lovers should rejoice in anticipation. Although not currently available for sale, the ZEF table will shortly be on the market. The date, along with the price, is still unknown. Featured photo credit: via