The study sought to establish how well people who meditate respond to and cope with strenuous mental and performance activities. The three-day experiment required one group to meditate for 25 minutes each day while a control group underwent the final cognitive training exercise without this daily exercise. At this exercise, the participants were asked to solve math problems and execute public speaking tasks in front of a “stern-faced” group of judges while their stress and hormone levels were monitored. Researchers found that the group who had meditated daily had a biologically quantifiable advantage over the non-meditators. Although 25 minutes a day seems arbitrary (and will produce varied results from person to person), these findings may provide the scientific springboard for others to try meditation as a stress-relief method! Stressed at work? Meditating really does work – and you’ll see a difference in just three days, say researchers | Daily Mail Featured photo credit: Wiertz Sébastien via