There is a reason we call them a gift from god. They allow us to better our life, see the good things in life and just take each day with a smile. Watching my own kids I have been able to learn some things that has helped me take a new look on life itself. I would like to share some of the things I have learned from them on this post.

What Day Is It?

Everyday a child wakes up, it’s a new day for him, a whole new world to explore. The curiosity to find out new things, the enthusiasm, the energy with the start of each new day is just breathtaking.

We as adults have seem to lost this energy, curiosity and enthusiasm. This is one thing we could definitely learn from children to make our life better and manage it well. Starting each day with a smile can change the way we do things on that particular day. So next time you wake up just think of yourself as a 5 year old child, your day will start out better, you will have a smile on your face and the energy and enthusiasm restored during your sleep will be ready to take off. It’s a new day, It’s a new world. Explore the possibilities!

Can I Do It My Way?

Sometimes the best way to do things is to do it differently. Have you ever watched a 3-year old try and do things? It’s different isn’t it? I am not sure what goes into a 3-year old’s mind but it seems like they usually get what they want, and most of the time because they took the route we adults usually hesitate to. Sometimes breaking the rules helps. The “Do Not Rock The Boat” phrase doesn’t apply to children as they are always ready to rock the boat and try to get things done. We adults seem to be so engaged in doing things a certain way, we tend to forget that there are other ways to get things done. Learn from the children and break the rules every once in a while, as long as you can get something done effectively without any adverse effects.

Are We There Yet?

Probably one of the most annoying questions they ask while you are trying to get somewhere, but there is a different way to look at it as well. What is it that drives a child to ask these question time after time when going to their grandparents or to a children show? It’s the passion, the desire, the curiosity as to what might be different than last time. We need to ask these questions to ourselves every once in a while. Are we there yet? It might be a business we want to start or a project that we want to get done, but how exactly are we going to get there? The answer lies within you and only you. Next time you get into a comfort zone with your business just take some time to ask yourself, “Am I there yet?” If not, try a different route, take a different approach and rock the boat and get to your destination – faster!

Can I Have It?

Next time you put your hands on your head and wonder why you can’t have what you want, remember what you just told your child. Every time you are walking by a toy aisle at a store, your child yells “Mom, can I have it?” You say “No!” What does the child do? He sits, maybe cries for a couple minutes and then simply forgets. Although there are a lot of things we would like to achieve, like that million dollar mansion and a private jet, it doesn’t necessarily mean we deserve or need it. We don’t always get what we want. Life goes on and it’s just another day. So forget what you don’t have and focus on what you do. Just look at the child sitting in your cart who was crying minutes ago, he is now smiling and playing with the toy he brought from home. We need to realize we can’t have everything, a child learns it from us and we need to learn it from them. It’s a cycle! I have been fortunate to have four children. Yes, it is a constant struggle and I have become a time and management juggler but they are the ones who teach me the most valuable lessons in life. They are the best teachers, the perfect mentors! I am looking forward to more years of learning from them — I have got a lot to soak up!
What about you?

What Can We Learn From Children  - 9