“What do you do all day?”

I guess, this is a heavily common question a stay at home mom gets to hear, at least once in her lifetime. I have heard this countless of times. So, what do I do all day? Let’s start with saying goodbye to the partner. Next comes the hungry kids who just woke up and are throwing unnecessary tantrums. Feed them, clean them, shower them, change their diapers, feed them again, put them to sleep. This routine is till the afternoon. And these are just the beginning. We also need to teach them, to plan loads of things…

“You get a lot of free time in hand!”

Yes, I do. Lots and lots of free time. In fact, I am so free that I have to squeeze in some time for shower. Sometimes, I don’t have enough time to shower at all! I have a very limited time to finish off my meals. At times, I unintentionally have to skip meals, especially dinner, in order to put the kids to sleep. You know why? It is because I get so tired at the end of the day that I happen to fall asleep along with my children.

“What did you cook today?”

I don’t cook every day, in case you are wondering. No stay at home mom cooks every day. We don’t have that luxury. We just cook in a large amount whenever we get some time. Also, we have to control kids hanging around the kitchen, doing this and touching that. It’s not that fun, trust me!

“There are toys everywhere! How do you walk around?”

We are pro at walking through hurdles. It is a good thing our kids are blessed with so many different toys to play with. Also, all these blocks you see on the floor? They help to grow my kids’ imagination. Even I play with the toys. It’s quite fun. You should sit on the floor and try some.

“Your house is quite a mess!”

Of course it is! Do you know messy people are more intelligent? Also, would you believe that I have actually cleaned this house few minutes ago? You should have come then. There is no point in organizing the house if you have children sprinting around.

“Doesn’t your husband help you at all?”

Yes he does. He wakes up early in the morning, he goes to office, he works all day, comes home dead tired and plays with the kids. He is the kids’ free entertainer. He feeds them dinner, while I get our dinner ready.

“He must earn a lot then!”

He earns enough to pay the house rent, the food, the bills, and for the kids. If he earned a lot, we would have bought a house by now!

“You are lucky you get to take a day nap every day.”

The only nap I take is at night after everyone is sleeping. That too, with continuous breaks to feed the younger one. During day time when the kids are sleeping, I happen to clean the house, and take a quick shower. I don’t remember the last time I sat down with a book.

“Aren’t you going to work in the future?”

Who says I am not working now? I am doing a full time job. Taking care of my children, my husband, and the entire house requires full time attention. Cooking, feeding, changing their diapers, playing with them, talking to them, singing with them, cleaning them, putting them to sleep, spending time with hubby after he returns from work, laughing with all of them, yelling at the kids, should I say more? I love my job. I may not get a big check at the end of the week, but I get unlimited love and happiness from my work!