A fateful man embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption in which he completely changes the lives of seven strangers. Ben Thomas (Will Smith) is haunted by a dark secret that troubles his life. Ben starts his journey looking to change the lives of seven strangers. His plan is solid and his mind is set, nothing can stop or change his mind. His plan starts to fall apart when the unexpected happens, he falls in love. He falls in love with one of the strangers whose life he’s set out to change. In the end, it is the love of this woman that transforms him into a better man. The story unfolds piece by piece and has the audience hooked with the first dialogue Ben has with the 911 operator: 911 Operator: What’s the emergency? Ben Thomas: There’s been a suicide. 911 Operator: Who’s the victim? Ben Thomas: I am. The juxtaposing storyline of a man, who is an IRS humanitarian, catches the interest of the audience from the start, and the mystery continues to grow from there unfolding at every corner and every turn.

Re examining your choices in life

For a movie to be good, the storyline, the characters, and the actors must all be good and well placed; this movie has nailed it all, every aspect from the storyline to the action has been perfected. Not only has the movie got drama, but it is also very touching and gets intact with the audience’s emotions. It is the type of film that makes one think about their life and makes them re-examine their life choices. It is the type of film that makes one think about their life and makes them re-examine their life choices.

The power of redemption

According to the Times of India: ‘Seven Pounds is a sincerely told, mushy tale about spreading good cheer and making the world a better place, with Smith essaying the role of the tormented do-gooder with impeccable zeal.’ The the movie carries a theme that helps viewers deal with their own secrets and teaches them an important message about the power of redemption and how spreading joy can cause joy for one’s own self. Watch on iTunes.

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