1. There are times I look forward to going to work.

I know that goes against everything I am supposed to feel as a mom. However when they are being little pukes and I drop them off at daycare, it’s hard not to peel out of the driveway. I mean come on; they just fought for 30 minutes about who is looking at whom first. Sure sometimes I attend meetings that could have been better suited to an email, but I never have to referee the meetings for potential who started it.

2. I get jealous of stay at home moms.

What? But you just said that you look forward to getting away sometimes… Yeah, but the grass is always greener. You know that. The days that I get to stay home with my children are usually due to sickness or unforeseen circumstances. We are never at our best in those times. That means it doesn’t exactly end up being Hallmark material. I get home tired from work. Sometimes I am short with them, and it’s not even their fault.

3. I don’t know how to do everything that is on my plate.

I know I’m supposed to be able to work, clean, cook, and mom. I fall very short in the cleaning category. I have a husband that cooks. When people talk about having it all I don’t know what that means. I don’t really want to do all those things. I want to play make believe. I want to read books.

4. Sundays I make a point to not get out of my pajamas if possible.

If I have to get dressed and show up to work for “the man” every day during the week and have fun on Saturdays- then I reserve Sunday to be a pile. I’m not sure why, but I think I need to get that off my chest. Some Sundays my husband takes the kids and I get to sit by myself. I feel guilty for that time because I don’t get enough time with my kids. I also don’t get enough time with myself. I’m not saying that a stay at home mom gets any more time to herself either. I would assume that there are demands of others whether it be work or the kids.

5. I cry on my way to work after long weekends spent with my kids.

I miss them. I am scared that I won’t have enough time, and I know they grow up too fast. I worry that they will remember daycare more than they will remember their mom. Yes, sometimes those salty tears are set to the Tinkerbell soundtracks or with other Disney songs that all of the sudden seem so poignant to my situation. How do they know just the right words? I’m not sure if any of these revelations are particularly mind blowing. Well, I take that back. Let’s look at number four again, the Sunday one is pretty life changing. If I were you, I’d totally adopt that one. Whether you work or stay home. Heck, whether you have kids or not- that is something I recommend doing. Is this pretty consistent with how you feel if you are a working mom? I don’t talk to a lot other moms about this subject. What about stay at home moms? Are these points something you can relate to? Featured photo credit: pixabay via pixabay.com