People are able to disclose their true selves to a highly sensitive person and establish solid relationships with them while appreciating their traits and ability to truly be a good friend. With that in mind, here are 6 reasons why highly sensitive people can draw people to them like a magnet:

1. They Are Sensitive To Others’ Emotions

Highly sensitive people are extremely empathetic with the ability to sense emotions in others and act accordingly. They will often notice other people’s emotions before anyone else does and will want to comfort them in some way. This makes highly sensitive people good to have near when you’re not feeling so good or even to share in your good news. Their ability to put themselves in other people’s shoes means they are highly engaged in conversations and show it well. This makes others love talking to them and feel safe in telling them their thoughts and secrets.

2. They Are Able To See Things From A Different Perspective

With the ability to be deep thinkers, chances are highly sensitive people have thought about a lot of things from different angles. This makes them great people to be able to see things from a different perspective from their own without judgement. Whether this is supporting your own perspective or being able to present another angle to your thinking, conversations with highly sensitive people can be a good way to solve problems in a special, empathetic and thought-provoking way.

3. They Persevere

We have people in our lives who help us out greatly but once the problem is over, so is the support. Highly sensitive people are more likely to follow up with you and check in with the past problem to make sure nothing is still worrying or bothering you. This thoughtfulness can provide much needed aftercare that many others forget or don’t think to do. This kind of support draws someone more to a highly sensitive person because they go above and beyond when it might not be obvious to do so.

4. Highly Sensitive People Are Conscientious

Highly sensitive people are unlikely to take any actions that would cause harm or distress to anyone. Since they can be easily distressed, their empathetic tendencies come into play once again and the last thing they would want to do is project those feelings onto anyone else. They are also able to think before they speak and carefully and thoughtfully analyse each situation before acting. Thinking ahead and to the consequences and possible outcome of each problem and situation means they never say or do anything to offend people. This always holds them in high esteem by others and allows people to naturally cherish their friendships.

5. They Don’t Shy Away From Pain

If you find yourself in a painful and emotional situation, many people aren’t able to know what to say or avoid emotional distress altogether but highly sensitive people identify with their own pain on a regular basis and have the experience of how to deal with it. This makes them great people to have as a support network and you know you can easily approach them with difficult life scenarios knowing you won’t be faced with judgement or have them run a mile. Highly sensitive people are experts in this field and offer that perfect shoulder to cry on in your time of need.

6. They Will Cherish You As a Friend

Highly sensitive people don’t take friendships lightly. People who they feel are taking advantage of them or hurt them one time too many, can be cut off quite swiftly. Highly sensitive people cherish the good people in their lives and will do all they can to be a great and supportive friend. In other words, they experience gratitude and appreciation for those who they feel are an asset to their life and this can show in their actions and words, attracting people to them all the more. Many highly sensitive people are quite introverted making them seemingly quiet to begin with but they will always be the ones with quality relationships because they have the ability to attract long-lasting friendships worth cultivating with investment and effort.