How can you address the issue if you’re not fixing the root cause? There are plenty of events in our lives that see this exact situation occur. Many people are looking for instant gratification, an overnight solution and a relief from lives problems without having to do anything. Lets take a look at some of those situations below. Quick Fixes With Lasting Consequences :

Get Rich Quick Schemes

Money simply doesn’t work in this way. It takes years and years of hard-work and dedication to establish a secure money generating platform that will make you rich and support you in future years. If someone is promising huge profits overnight then ignore them. The only time overnight money is possible is when you jump on a trend before everyone else, or have foundations already in place to take advantage of an opportunity when it arises.

Facial Reconstructing

This includes braces, occasionally plastic surgery and Botox. Your face is determined by facial posture, oral posture, head posture and lifestyle/habits. If you have braces put on, but your diet consists of soft foods, your mouth posture isn’t correct and you tend to let your mouth hang open often, then the problems will resurface once the braces are off, your teeth will gradually go back to being crooked. It’s like putting makeup on a terrible skin. The makeup is a temporary fix but a terrible diet and lifestyle is causing the terrible skin in the first place so it’ll remain afterwards.


This is such a popular quick fix. This is for those people who are too weak to diet and exercise. They get the liposuction, lose the fat and feel as though they’ve achieved. Yet they abuse this situation because it took such little work, go back to their old lifestyle and pile it back on again.

Starving Yourself

People trying to get in shape sometimes opt for the starving themselves strategy as a quick fix. But this simply changes the body to have a lower metabolism and other complications. Once they get bored of their drastic diet they go back to their previous lifestyle and their weight increases more than ever. Their body adapted to deal with small amounts of food, went into panic mode and jumped at the chance to store fat once it became available again.


This is popular among men who want to add muscle but can’t seem to get the formula right. In the short term they get the results they require and quickly. Overtime however, they begin to develop injuries, side effects and health risks. The trade-off between having muscles and being healthy simply isn’t worth it. Instead keep learning about fitness, keep testing and stick with it. Eventually you’ll get there with your health intact.

Hair Transplants

Just look at footballer Wayne Rooney if you need evidence for this one. Wayne lost all of his hair, had a transplant and thought everything was fixed. However anyone can clearly see that he’s loosing it again. Why is this happening? Because the reason he was losing his hair in the first place is still apparent, it hasn’t been addressed but rather covered up. The Doctors tell Wayne that he’ll need regular top-ups in order to maintain his new hair, but in reality they’re just putting newspaper on-top of newspaper to cover up spilled milk.

Energy Drinks

This is how so many people get their kick in the mornings. It works just like coffee. Your body gets a huge sugar and caffeine boost and thus energy boost when you didn’t actually have any energy. We’ve already said everything that should concern you. You’re getting energy that you don’t have! This is dangerous. Once the effects of the drink wear off you’ll be even more tired than before and have probably caused some level of damage to your body. If you’re running on fake energy, then eventually your body is going to crash. It’s tired for a reason, either your lifestyle isn’t great, your diet is poor or you simply need to sleep. Perhaps it’s all three. Whatever it is, do it naturally, forget the energy boosts.

Short term loans

You need money for this weekend but you don’t have it. What do you do? Well most people take out a short term loan or borrow money from a friend. But this is a very short lived advantage. You’re going to pay this money back next week/month and be in the same boat again. For a lot of people this ends up becoming a lifestyle, they spend at the beginning of the month, struggle at the end, then borrow money to get them through. If you want to get out of this situation, then you need to start sacrificing or cutting back on your current spending in which ever way possible. Sometimes life asks you to take 10 steps backwards before it lets you move forward once again.


Chopping the head off the weed won’t get rid of the problem, it’ll just grow back later on. Stop burying your head in the sand and start addressing the true problems in your life. If you’re low on energy, then there’s a reason why. If you’re continuously broke then you’re not living right. If you keep crash dieting but seem to gain more weight afterwards then it’s time to put the real work in. Find the root cause, stop being lazy, the results will come. Featured photo credit: via